I'm unforgivably late with this blog entry, but I have been very busy. I was in a two-week intensive Trial Advocacy class that kept me frantic--I had to get the same amount of work done at my job, and somehow also fit in the five hours of class each night too. The course culminated by conducting a simulated trial in front of a real judge (Judge Dick Ambrose) in the Justice Center.
While it did make for the longest two weeks of my life, I learned a LOT. And I got really pumped for my potential externship with the US Attorney's office.
I also started the application process for summer internships with the Department of Justice for next summer, and applied for a few interviews with our on-campus interview program.
OCI functions by allowing each student 20 bids for employers. Then the employers choose from those students who have bid for the spots to grant interviews. We'll see how it goes.
Finally, I meant to participate in the summer writing competition for our Law Review/Journal of Law and Health. Unfortunately, I was unable to do so. I just didn't have the time; between my recent move and the two classes I took this summer, it was not feasible. I did finish the citation quiz early on, but never was able to sit down and write the case comment. This may end up the one thing I regret about law school, as I believe wholeheartedly in at least TRYING to open doors and then deciding which to walk through. Law Review/Journal is a huge thing for employers, and I do believe that I'm a strong enough writer that, had I competed, I might have been offered a spot.