Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So, Jessup is over (we won 3 of our 4 oral arguments, but did not advance because of our brief score). I have my legal intern's license, which is much less impressive than it sounds--it looks like a little paper membership card. I didn't even get a letter with it... just a card in the mail and a receipt for the $25.00 fee. I've applied for one scholarship thus far, one I received last year.

I was offered a position on the Global Business Law Review, which is VERY exciting.

I have an interview with one potential placement through the Washington Center--it'd likely be along the same prosecutorial line as the US Attorney's Office and such. My interview is scheduled for Monday morning, and I'm really excited for the interview itself. Even if I don't get the position, it will be cool to see the operations of the organization.

Anyway, I'll try to update again soon but life is good in my neck of the woods!

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